Gen3D vs. Biodiesel


Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel both have its own advantages, however the choice is not an either / or. They are both renewable diesel that can replace petroleum diesel.


Gen3D Renewable Diesel



Cetane Rating  85 to 100




Cetane Rating  60-65



RFS – 1.7 credits/gal.


RFS – 1.5 credits/gal.

Each could increase to 2.5 credits/gal., if the respective production facility is powered on 90% or more of a non-hydrocarbon-based fuel


Environmental Benefits – Both Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel share nearly the same environmental benefits as both are produced using the same feedstock. These renewable fuels reduce COemissions by 80%, Carbon Monoxide by 50%, SOX by 100%, Hydrocarbon Emissions by more than 50%, and Particulate Matter by more than 50% in comparison to petroleum diesel.

BTU Value – Both Biodiesel and Renewable diesel posses similar energy value and both fuels exceed the BTU value of competing alternative fuels.


Pipeline Fungibility – Entirely pipeline fungible as it is indistinguishable from petroleum diesel



Pipeline Fungibility – The U.S. perception is that biodiesel is not pipeline fungible; that it could contaminate aviation gasoline/jet fuel. However B-2 and B-5 blends are pipeline safe in Europe without fear of contamination by Europe’s airline industries.


No glycerin byproduct


Does produce glycerin as a byproduct


No storage stability problems. Longer shelf life.


Practically non-flammable (300 F flashpoint)


Free of sulfur and aromatics


Completed Tier  I and Tier II health effects testing requirements as authorized by the U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments (CCA) of 1990


Temperature Range

Lower “cloud point” than biodiesel allowing for broader range of temperatures than biodiesel. Thus excellent performance in cold climates



Slightly higher “cloud point” than Renewable Diesel. Overall good performance in cold climates


Not an either/or choice. Can be used with Biodiesel


Not an either/or choice. Can be used with renewable diesel

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